Need to Sponsor aN Employee?

Considering aN employer Sponsored Visa?

Not sure about the paperwork and the evidence you need to show immigration?

Don’t risk rejection by applying for a visa without the right advice. Find out everything you need to know about sponsoring your employee in your free, no-obligation 15-minute phone assessment.

FREE 15-Minute Phone Assessment

Claim Your Free Phone Assessment Now!

We Are A Friendly Team

Here at Summit Migration, we’re all about reducing the stress and putting you in the drivers seat of your application.

No Hidden Costs

We work on a Fixed Fee basis and give clear advice on expected costs. Take charge of your matter.

Experienced immigration law specialists

Work with legally trained migration agents.

Advice, case assistance, & legal representation

Considering your options? Summit Migration can assist you with the following Employer Sponsored visas:

  • Temporary Skills Shortage (TSS) visa (Subclass 482)
  • Labour Agreements
  • Sponsorship under a DAMA
  • Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (Provisional) (Subclass 494) visa 
  • Employer Nomination Scheme (Subclass 186) visa

Contact us today to determine your eligibility. 

Contact our team to get experienced advice

Don’t risk rejection by applying for your Australian visa without the right advice. Find out everything you need to know about obtaining or renewing your Australian visa in your free, no-obligation 15-minute phone assessment.

Here’s what you’ll discover…

Fill in your details now and within one business hour, someone from the Summit Migration team will be in contact with you to understand your circumstances. 

Claim Your Free Phone Assessment Now!

Peace of Mind Guarantee

When you decide to let us help you with your Australian visa application you are always covered by our guarantee. In the extremely unlikely event your application is not successful on the first try, we will reapply for you at no extra cost – hassle-free, no questions asked.

Ultimate Partner
visa Guide

Applying for a Partner visa is a big job. You’re going to need all the help you can get.

That’s why we wrote the Ultimate Partner Visa Guide. A complete step by step guide to applying and giving your visa the best chance of success.

Take charge of your IMMIGRATION MATTER

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